
Showing posts from September, 2022

How do share-secured loans work?

  A share-secured loan is secured by your   savings account , share certificate account or money market account. When you’re approved for a share-secured loan, your lender will place a hold on the savings amount you’re borrowing against. You can repay the loan through monthly automatic withdrawals, direct deposit or monthly check. If you fail to repay the loan, the savings your lender is holding as collateral will typically be used to cover the loan. Although your savings are used to back up the loan, you should avoid making late payments or defaulting. This may cost you penalties or late fees and can hurt your credit history because share-secured loans are often reported to the credit bureaus. If building credit is your goal when seeking a share-secured loan, consider taking out a small amount that is easier to pay off quickly. For more: Who are share-secured loans best for? Share-secured loans could be a good idea for people in a f


  If you haven’t heard about how great yeast-fermented foods are for the human body, you must have been living under a rock.   Kombucha   is now on every market shelf, kimchi is available widely, and virtually every human during the global lockdown had their own   sourdough starter   kit on hand. Yeast-fermented foods have been around, and are a staple, of pretty much every civilization since the beginning of… well… civilization. Why? What kind of fermentation occurs in yeast-fermented foods, and why is it so good for you? YEAST Yeast is a single-cell organism that has been around since the beginning of time, as it is a type of fungus, and fungi are the first known living organisms on earth. It provides myriad benefits to the human body, just like other fungi. In particular, yeast is good for your digestive system, keeping it healthy and in good balance. It also promotes a strong immune system, helping your gut absorb vitamins and nutrients and fighting disease. Yeast needs food, warmt

Learning Games About Circles for Young Kids

  Teaching your kids about shapes and need some ideas for learning about circles? The best way to teach young kids the early maths skill of shape recognition is to let them see, feel and experience shapes in a hands-on, concrete way. There is no better way than by learning through play. Try these fun games about circles with your preschoolers and kindergartners. They are suitable for home and school.  Some can be played with one child, others with a small or large group of kids. 1. Hide and Seek Play a game of Hide and Seek with a twist. Make paper or cardboard cut-outs of circles and hide them in the garden, house or classroom. Let kids search for them. Hide enough shapes so that everyone has a chance to find a few.  You can use the circles after the game for an art activity, such as pasting them onto paper to create a picture out of circles. Draw the details on with markers or crayons. See also: 2. Find the Circles For this game, in