Virtual Phone number in Australia


A virtual number is a real phone number

A virtual phone number is actually a normal, real phone number. The only difference is that a virtual number isn’t connected to any physical phone line or to any SIM-card.

You can make and answer calls with free apps for Android and iOS or your laptop.

People calling your Australian virtual phone number will have the same experience as if calling a regular local number.

When you make calls from your number – people you call will see your number before answering.

You can get your phone number in Australia here.

Different types of numbers

In Australia there are three types of numbers that you can purchase as virtual phone numbers.

  • City numbers
    These phone numbers are related to a city, such as 2for Sydney or 73 for Brisbane. Here are the different area codes in Australia.
  • Mobile numbers
    Regular mobile numbers, but not connected to any SIM-card. Mobile numbers start with the prefix 4.
  • Toll free numbers
    These numbers are free for the caller to call – as long as they are calling from within Australia. Toll free numbers start with 1800. The owner of the phone number pays an extra per minute fee for all calls received.

  Who can buy an Australian phone number?

Anyone in the world can buy an Australian phone number. You do not need to be a Australian citizen or live there to buy one.


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